Catterick Parish Council
The Sports Association is a registered charity which is responsible for the upkeep and running of the local sports pavilion and approximately 6 acres of grassed sports fields. It is an extremely valuable village asset and used by the local and wider community for recreational purposes.
It has been in existence since 1997 when a group of local residents raised sufficient funds to replace a run down wooden building that was deemed unfit for purpose. With the assistance of Lottery funding and a local fund raising drive by a dedicated group of volunteers sufficient funds were raised by hosting local events.
A purpose built pavilion complete with hall, changing rooms, kitchen and toilet facilities was completed in 1998.
To manage the facility, a management committee made up of chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, a representative from each of the sports clubs who use the facilities and individual trustees from members of the local community was formed.
The pavilion is rented out to organisations such as Slimming World, groups for meetings and individuals for parties etc. for an hourly rate.
The sports fields are the home ground for several football clubs both junior and senior. It is also the home ground for the local Cricket Club. For this they all pay an annual fee. Other local sports clubs use the facilities on an ad hoc basis for an hourly rate.
All the monies raised goes towards the maintenance and running costs of the association which is approximately £10,000 annually.
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